Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tom Hanks on Mormons

I find it exceptionally noteworthy when celebrities have the courage to step out from behind the carefully-crafted scripts and personas that have been tailor-made for them, and truly reveal the stunning depth and breadth of their ignorance and bigotry.

This is the case with Tom Hanks' latest bout of verbal diarrhea against the Mormon Church. Apparently he slept through High School Civics class.

To save everyone the time and boredom of wading through Hanks' rant, here is the Reader's Digest Condensed Version:

* Hanks doesn't like the Mormon Church (probably because his step-mother joined the church when he was a child, and forced him to attend... I don't know)
* Hanks finds it absolutely acceptable to write large checks for causes HE believes in.
* Hanks finds it absolutely despicable when those opposing those beliefs do the same thing.
* Hanks believes whole-heartedly in the "Constitutional Process"... when it's on HIS side.
* Anyone who follows the rule of law and votes their conscience is "unAmerican" if it's against something Hanks believes in.
* If anyone doesn't agree with a particular pet issue of Hanks, (like re-inventing the definition of traditional marriage, against majority wishes), that group must be "bashing" whoever the minority is that's trying to promote that idea.
* Hanks has no problem bashing one minority (say, the Mormon Church), while whining and wringing his hands about Hanks' pet minority being "bashed," even though it isn't.
* Hanks seems to have incredibly selective memory, since Blacks (en masse) and Catholics had just as much, if not more, of an impact on the passage of Prop 8 as Mormons did. Apparently, Hanks is loathe to label Catholics and African-Americans as "unAmerican," but Mormons are, for some reason completely beyond the pale of logic, a "safe target."

And the sad part? Hanks isn't even remotely smart enough to recognize the reality of what I've stated. Perhaps Hooked On Phonics could help him sound out the big words. I think their number is 1-800-ABCDEFG.

1 comment:

lamack said...

Well said! I was so disgusted at his comments, and I just kept wondering . . . "Why in the world should we care what Tom Hanks has to say?!" I don't understand why actors opinions matter so much in the press, as if these famous people are experts on politics etc. Ooh, it makes my blood boil! Tom Hanks was one of our favorite actors . . . but it's going to be hard to watch his movies now without thinking about what a loser he is.